Call for papers

Identities and cultures in early childhood education

At the 2019 International Conference, OMEP proposes reflecting on:

The diversity of identities that are combined in early childhood care and education (ECCE), as well as

The cultures in which, and for which, development is possible, highlighting the achievement of equity, inclusion and gender equality.


  • The human right to identity. The principles of equality and non-discrimination in education.
  • The construction of citizenship and cultures of peace: families, institutions and non-violent, equitable, just and peaceful societies.
  • The inclusion of indigenous peoples, afro-descendants, gypsies, children in rural contexts, confinement, children living in poverty, girls.
  • Migrant and mobilized children. Children with disabilities and diverse talents.
  • Child cultures and cultural proposals for children: the participation of boys and girls.
  • The mother tongue and pluricultural and intercultural education in early childhood.
  • The identities of educators: training dilemmas, stereotypes, feminization, precarization of work. Men in the task of educating.
  • Educational policies, curricular designs and educational proposals respectful of identities and cultures.
  • Children’s culture, play and art in early childhood.
  • The impact of technologies and social media on children’s identities and cultures.

Presentation modes

Individual presentation

15 minutes + 5 minutes for exchanges

Self-organized symposium

90 minutes approx. a common theme with the moderator

Poster presentation

The presenter must be available for 60 minutes for the exchange with the participants

Roll Up Banner of 32 x 79 inches 


Any questions or suggestions please write to the email:

Important dates

Opening reception of works

December 19, 2018

Closure of reception of works

March 15, 2019

Communication of the Acceptance of works

April 30, 2019

To take into account: Each author of individual presentations, symposium or poster, must register and pay as soon as their proposal is accepted. Please note that your presentation will not be included in the program if you do not confirm your intention to attend by completing the registration and paying the fee. In the case of several authors, only a work presentation certificate will be granted to the one who is duly registered in the event.